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In Like A Lion

2022 came in like a lion.

I have had health issues. My mom is my nurse. Little did she know medicine would be her second calling. Giving me medications all with usual calm and grace.

I am recovering from Covid right as I spell this to you all. Life is quite challenging. Having sensory movement differences pushes me to the brink at times. Add Covid to the equation, and hardships are manifested quantitatively. Can all my aches go away, please? Family goes above and beyond to give me care and love all while they are sick, too.

Using my letter board when sick is indescribably hard. I must give all my energy in feeling better. Letter boarding takes an enormous amount of fine motor, time and focus. Covid is a beast to be reckoned with. It is hard to describe the toll being sick has on me.

There is the doctor visit.

My doctor Sharon is the heart of medicine. She presumes competence and speaks to me like I am human. She loves my blog and uses my words to promote positive change in the medical field. However, I can’t always see her when I am sick. It then becomes a free for all. Who will walk through the moving door?

Behind door number one - my worst nightmare. She talks to me like a baby. My mom encourages her using my words. “She is intelligent and understands everything you are saying. Speak directly to her, please.” Her response is so always the same. Always agreeing but continuing to ignore me all the same.

Behind door number two is my heart —Sharon. She uses my words and leaves no stone left unturned in my health and in my life. We need more Sharons in the world.

Having Covid has left me with a few thoughts.

Life is precious and not something many should take for granted.

Family is my rock, and God is my solid ground for which I stand.

Goals keep me moving forward, and using all my strength, I will achieve them all.

Having faith is key.

Never give up on your dreams.

Live life to the fullest for we are not guaranteed tomorrow.

Love without apologies.

Give your words power and yourself grace. We all need it.

Sometimes my autism makes me worry. We are never without worry. Have faith over fear.

2022 may have come in like a lion---

but even the fiercest lions must rest.

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